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PK Gupta Series 14: Toxicology MCQs

PK Gupta Series 14: Toxicology MCQs

The book entitled “Toxicology” Resource for Self Study Questions is an essential and practical document for self-study and guidance catering to a broad spectrum of students. This book covers a range of core toxicological areas which is aimed to make the study of toxicology simple and understandable through key points, short-problem-solving and objective questions.For details please read Kindle Direct Publications pp 550
Q.1. A volume of distribution of 41 L for a lipophilic drug suggest that the drug will not bind to tissue and plasma proteins.
Q.2. Transporters pumping the drug into the tissues are more active in babies
Q.3.Compared to skin, liver would have a higher rate of uptake for small lipophilic drugs due to its higher blood flow rate.
Q.2. Free drug concentrations are always the same in plasma and tissues, when the distribution occurs instantaneously.
Q.5. Enzyme induction affects the hepatic clearance of a low and high extraction
Q.6. Enzyme induction affects the oral bioavailability of high extraction drugs
Q.7. A fast absorption might allow less frequent dosing.
Q.8. A slower absorption might be advantageous for a drug with a narrow therapeutic window.
Q.9. Concentrations in plasma are of relevance for drug therapy as they generally
Correlate well with concentrations observed at the effect(target)site.
Q.10. When heparin is added to blood and the blood is centrifuged, the resulting supernatant is called serum.
1.F; 2.T;3. T;2.T ; 5.F ; 6.T ; 7.F ; 8. T; 9. T ; 10.F.


True and False statement. Write T for true and F for false statement.
Assume no active transport. Assume the same dose of penicillin G is given to patients as iv bolus injection (as solution in saline), intramuscular (i.m) in oily injection or orally:
Q.6. Giving the drug i.m injections will result in a much smaller AUC than after oral administration.
Q.7. Giving Penicillin as an aqueous intravenous bolus injection will result in a higher maximum concentration.
Q.8. Oily i.m injection allows a less frequent dosing
Part C
Q.9. The rate with which hydrophilic compounds will move across well-built
membranes will depend on the concentration gradient between total drug in
plasma and total drug in tissue.
Q.10. Assuming that a protein drug does not bind to plasma and tissue component,
The volume of distribution is likely to be 41liters.
6. F; 7. T; 8. T; 9. F; 10.F


Assume a drug is substrate of a specific transport protein. What of the following statements are true or false
Q.1. Transporters do not use energy.
Q.2. Transporters only eliminate drugs from the body.
Q.3. Transporters are only present in liver and kidney.   
Q.4. Transporters are saturable.
Q.5, Transporters work often in conjunction with enzymes.
Assume passive diffusion as the driving force for distribution. What of the following statements are true or false
Q.6. The Tl/2 of a drug eliminated through a zero order process is a drug specific constant.
Q.7. Alipophilic drug of low molecular weight, cannot have a volume of distribution 1 that is smaller than VT.
Q.8. The fraction of the drug being eliminated per hour is increasing in a first order process.
Q.9.Two drugs that have similar elimination half-lives will have similar volumes of distributions.
Q.10.The same dose of a drug is given orally either as a solution or in form of as low dissolving crystal suspension. The solution will show higher maximum concentrations in plasma.
1. F; 2. F; 3. F; 2. T; 5. T; 6. F; 7.F; 8.F; 9.; 10.T.

Further Reading

Gupta P.K. (2014) Essential concept in toxicology. BSP India
Gupta P.K. (2016) Fundamental of Toxicology: Essential concept and applications. Elsevier/BSP USA (Chapter 8)
Gupta P.K. (2016) Fundamental of Toxicology: Essential concept and applications. Elsevier/BSP USA (Chapter 9)
Gupta PK (2018) Illustrative Toxicology with Study Questions. Ist Ed Elsevier USA pg 1-640
Gupta PK (2018) Toxicology: Resource for Self-Study Questions: Ist Ed pp Published by All Solutions You Need: www. Kindle direct publications pages 550


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