Do you know our body is exposed to different electromagnetic rays/radiations?
Yes. These rays are known as electromagnetic radiation. These rays by its frequency are classified as under:a) radio
b) infrared
c) visible
d) Ultraviolet
e) X-ray
f) gamma ray
and cosmic rays
Describe types of radiation to which we are exposed
Two typesa) Non ionizing radiation
b) Ionizing radiation
are the uses of nonionizing radiation?
Uses of nonionizing radiation include:
power transmission, TV,
radio, & satellite transmissions, radar, light bulbs, heating, cooking,
microwave ovens, lasers, photosynthesis (sunlight), mobile phones, WiFi
networks, etc.
are the sources nonionizing radiation?
Source of nonionizing radiation include:
ultraviolet light,
visible light, infrared radiation, microwaves, radio & TV, mobile phones,
power transmission.
Who are
sensitive to nonionizing
Sensitive individuals: variable, e.g.
fair-skinned children (sunburn).
to be cont'd
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