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Wednesday, 29 June 2016

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Problems associated with zinc deficiency and how to treat.

Much of the zinc consumed in the diet is not absorbed. A diet high in fiber and phytate (present in whole-grain bread, bran, beans, soybeans, other legumes, and nuts) reduces zinc absorption.
·         Zinc deficiency has many causes, including various disorders, alcoholism, and use of diuretics.
·         People lose their appetite and hair and may feel sluggish and lose their sense of taste.
·         Doctors can measure the zinc level in blood, but this test is not a reliable way to determine zinc status.
·         Zinc supplements taken by mouth can cure the deficiency.
Many conditions can increase the risk of developing zinc deficiency. Deficiency due to a diet low in zinc is uncommon in developed countries. Zinc deficiency is more common among older people who live in institutions and people who are homebound. Skin acrodermatitis enteropathica, erosive dermatitis and erythema is a well-recognized entity caused by an inherited defect in zinc absorption leading to hypozincemia.

How do you treat zinc deficiency?

Zinc deficiency can be treated by taking dietary zinc supplements, or by eating foods that are rich and fortified with zinc.
Prevention is Better than Cure

 Always take healthy and fresh food rich in vitamins, minerals, protein and fibre.


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